A Blackstone spokesman says that the firm had no knowledge of the$ 3 billion figure prior to submitting its indication of interest at the end of the "go-shop" process ( March 22). 黑石集团的一位发言人称,公司在“询价程序”结束时(3月22日),也就是在提交其投资意向之前,对艾弗考尔30亿美元的预测一无所知。
Maybe Blackstone viewed Michael and Silver Lake as too tied at the hip to have such talks, but how does an indication of interest change that? 可能在黑石看来,迈克尔和银湖投资(SilverLake)纯属穿连裆裤的,所以不会跟他谈,但怎么一个投资意向就改变了这一格局呢?
He gave no indication of future moves in interest rates. 伯南克没有表明利率的未来走向。
An event is simply an indication that something of interest has occurred. 事件就是发生了感兴趣的某件事的指示信息。
When upward momentum in the stock slowed on Tuesday and Huijin bought the percentage jumped to7.6% of the outstanding tradable A shares in an indication of both buying and selling interest. 当周二工商银行股票涨势放缓时,转手的比例升至可交易A股的7.6%,这显示出买卖的兴趣都很浓厚。
Another more direct indication from the markets of that is a decline in the interest rate on the debt. 从股市传达出另一比较直接的迹象,债券利率有所下降。
Yet this is not the only indication of distress: in the US, for example, the spread between the rate of interest on three-month treasury bills and AA-rated asset-backed financial paper has widened to 270 basis points from 30 basis points earlier in the year. 但这并非市场困扰的唯一信号:以美国为例,3个月期国债利率与AA级资产担保融资票据之间的息差,已从今年早些时候的30个基点扩大到了270个基点。
This is the largest trade delegation ever to have left Ireland and it is a good indication of the interest among Irish companies in the Chinese market. 这是爱尔兰历史上出访的最大的贸易代表团,它极好地证明了爱尔兰企业对于中国市场的兴趣。
The alliance is the latest indication of interest in the Chinese market from private equity groups, despite the setbacks suffered by some recent high-profile deals. 尽管最近一些备受关注的交易遭遇挫折,但国美与贝尔斯登的结盟成为一个最新迹象,表明私人股本集团对中国市场仍有兴趣。
And the creation of the Buddhistic state of chilly loneliness is not only and indication of his sublime artistic interest but also is closely related to Buddhist aesthetics. 而后主诗词中清凉幽寂的艺术境界的创造,既是他高雅艺术情趣的体现,也与他深受佛教禅宗美学思想的熏陶有关。
The biological indication of soil animals to soil environment has been an issue or subject of general interest of soil ecology around the world. 土壤动物对土壤环境生物指示作用的研究已成为国际土壤生态学领域的热点和前沿课题。